Why being spontaneous feels great

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching the Port of Calais. Please remain seated until you are called to your vehicles. Please be patiet and DO NOT gather at the top of the stairs.

So here I am, at the top of the stairs, with a massive crowd almost breaking through the door indicating the “yellow stairs”, a minute after the announcement. In my defense, I didn’t have anywhere to remain seated as I was just wondering around the ferry aimlessly, with my eyes switching from sea-watching to people-watching. I did a lot in an hour and a half: read, browsed the internet, had a coffee, ate, tried new perfumes at the duty free shop, sent a few messages, and went outside on the terrace to take in the view.

My mom asked me: “So, are you not bored? How did you even think of going by yourself? It’s a bit sad, you know. Especially in Paris”. Thanks, mom.

But to be fair, I get it. I hate travelling by myself. The longest I’ve been visiting a place by myself was a few hours, usually around Christmas when I buy my tickets home so late that no direct flights cheaper than £1000 are available. Even then, when the time is so short, I wish there was someone else with me to share the excitement of visiting a new place. So I really don’t blame my mom for trying to come to terms with the fact that I suddenly decided to go to Paris, all alone.

I bought my tickets 3 days ago and that’s when I decided as well. I didn’t have any time to plan, I don’t know what I’m doing once I get there. But I can’t even begin to describe the excitement! It’s the first time I’m going somewhere by myself (if you exclude moving to a different country twice) and even if it’s only for a few days, it feels like an adventure.

I was so thrilled that I told everyone I met with since Wednesday that I’m going to Paris, with a lot of emphasis on “by myself”. And solo travelling is so popular in the UK that I was surprised at some of the reactions. “You go, girl, it’s going to be amazing!” said a few, with the same amount of excitement. But most were “How come you’re not going with your boyfriend?”, implying my relationship is clearly falling apart; “What about your friends? *insert aww-she-probably-doesnt-have-any-friends look*”. Well, I did consider all the above options. Then I thought about vising friends who live abroad. But sometimes the timing is just not there, so you either have to give up the idea or go for it, no matter what. Since I’m in between jobs, I thought I’d make the most of my work-free days and Paris just happened to feel right. I’ve been there a few times before and it’s hands down my favourite place. This time, I don’t need to run around visiting all the iconic places, I can just walk the streets and discover the true Paris.

So no, I’m not sad or lonely or have a mid-twenties crisis (well, not this week, anyway), I’m just doing something I’ve always wanted to do but never found the right time. So, if you’ve ever thought about doing this, but for some reason you were too scared or too worried about what the others might think, then stop over thinking and just go. I still don’t know what it’s going to be like, but I can guarantee the journey itself is definitely worth it.

So, I’m not sure if my next post is going to be a love or a hate one, but I’m excited to find out. Speak Write to you soon!


One thought on “Why being spontaneous feels great

  1. Michael says:

    Travelling on your own always bring this doubts of whether you should go with someone … but the experience would be totally different ! Travelling alone allows for spontaneous ” connaissance” to happen, for an experience untainted by the travel companions, for a freedom of choice at all times in what to do….sometime I find a travel log a good way to chat with myself and make contrast on the spot experiences with their memories. Yes you cannot share sensations, laugh about a new taste together directly with others but it is a small sacrifice compared to what you gain.
    Both ways of travelling are hugely exciting and if you add spontaneity on top it can only make for a great adventure !! Enjoy !


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